Bloody Mackenzie and Greyfriar's Kirkyard - A Tombstone Tale

Season 5, Episode 5,   Nov 29, 2021, 12:30 AM

What if... someone thoughtfully awoke an angry, vicious spirit from its cozy slumber… and it was waiting to meet YOU?  Well then, perhaps you’d better hurry along to The Reading Room to mingle with George “Bloody” Mackenzie fresh from his Black Mausoleum in Greyfriars Kirkyard!  It’s not all terror, though. There’s also fire, an explosion, plague pits, Harry Potter connections, and one Good Boy! (No, not Mr. Darling) Come, Dear Guest, and tiptoe through the tombstones with us!

Special Thanks to Sounds Like an Earful Music Supply for the amazing music AND sound design during this episode.