The Shaman's Roundtable Discussion - Imposter Syndrome

Episode 5,   Dec 08, 2021, 11:02 PM

With Claire Fitzhenry & Lisa Byrne
'Imposter Syndrome'

The Imposter Syndrome initiates feelings of self doubt and unworthiness in one's own abilities. This affects everyone at some point in their life. It can be a small voice that continually triggers these emotions of not being good enough or not doing enough. When acknowledged and understood the Imposter Syndrome creates an opportunity for dissecting and coming to terms with patterns and beliefs that continually show up in our life that require attention and resolution.  

Claire Fitzhenry is a Personal Growth & Mindset Coach.
Instagram: @clairescoachingcommunity

Lisa Byrne is a Mind Body Soul Activator.
Instagram: @lisabyrne_coach