In conversation with Vanessa Sanyauke

Season 1, Episode 7,   Dec 15, 2021, 06:00 AM

In today’s episode we talk to Vanessa Sanyauke, CEO & Founder of Girls Talk London and Podcaster @TheAfterWorkDrinksClub

  • Male allyship at work - what role should men play in the advancement of women in the workplace? Does this help or is it a distraction that hinders the cause?
  • The pressures women are under to hit certain milestones by a certain time and the implications of that on our financial wellbeing
  • The increase in burnout amongst modern career women as we prioritise getting ahead in the workplace - is it at the expense of our general wellbeing and where does this pressure to perform to these extreme standards originate?

To find out more about Vanessa, visit  and follow her @VanessaSanyauke 

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Podcast Production: KMRA Media

Music: @mykeforte.