Dr. Bob Davis, 12.26.21 - UFO, NDE, Kundalini, Consciousness - Aha!

Dec 23, 2021, 11:58 PM

"From the descriptions of mystical events in religious texts to the extraordinary visions of “heaven”, healing miracles, and prophetic messages reported by people around the globe, our concepts of human consciousness, human potential, and the true nature of reality are being challenged by those who believe they have come face to face with another realm of existence."

Currently in production. Dr. Bob Davis is Executive Producer for the film - The Consciousness Connection.

Bio: Robert Davis, P.hD. - Robert Davis is an internationally recognized research scientist and author, and after receiving his doctorate degree in 1981, he conducted research, taught, and was an administrator for the State University of New York for over thirty years.

Author of three books: Unseen Forces: Towards an Integration of Science, Reality, and You (Visionary Living, April, 2019), Life after Death: An Analysis of the Evidence (Schiffer Publishing, 2017), and The UFO Phenomenon: Should I Believe? (Schiffer Publishing, 2016).

We cover the UFO experience, the shared NDE, and we talk about his Kundalini experience. How that happened totally out of left field and turned his world - and reality - upside down.

"Dr. Davis’ research efforts, lectures, and interviews vary across many disciplines with a focus on consciousness, the brain, parapsychology, and unexplainable extraordinary experiences reported by millions worldwide."

Connect with Dr. Davis to discuss speaking engagements: davisri57@yahoo.com

Website: https://consciousnessfilm.info/

Film Trailer on Youtube.

Wendy's Blog.
And the other blog Wendy's Coffeehouse - with a related post.

- Source for the opening paragraph:  The Peak Experience.
Follow his blog at https://bobdavisspeaks.com/