2/2: #ClassicRichardEpstein: Filibuster speak. @RichardAEpstein (Originally aired March 22, 2021.)
Jan 01, 2022, 02:30 AM
Photo: An earlier filibuster: Blockade of the steamer United States in the East River, New York, by Marcy's squadron.
2/2: #ClassicRichardEpstein: Filibuster speak. @RichardAEpstein (Originally aired March 22, 2021.)
2/2: #ClassicRichardEpstein: Filibuster speak. @RichardAEpstein (Originally aired March 22, 2021.)
To be sure, the US Supreme Court let stand on grounds of mootness a highly dubious Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision, handed down more than six weeks before the election, which allowed ballots filed after 8 p.m. on election day to be counted. I regard the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s action as a clear case of judicial usurpation of the legislative control of elections, which the Supreme Court should have heard before the election, but, by a 4–4 vote, did not.