31st December 2021 - Barnstaple Town and End of the Year

Season 6, Episode 19,   Dec 31, 2021, 05:00 AM

In the final episode of the year Tim Fuell speaks with Kevin Darch of Barnstaple Town. Vice Chairman and joint manager at the club he made over 300 appearances for he saw his side finally achieve their first league win of the season over the Christmas period. Their 20th game of the season it was a home and in the local Christmas derby and brought many smiles to the club who have seen their struggles over the year but are one their way up building a communite. He alos explains how tough it is for club’s like his in Step 4 on the edge of the country and so often the edge of survival. Bottom of the Southern league Division One south but alongside his co-manager and ex-teammates Kevin Squire, THETWOKEVS are just a part of a club rebuilding successful for a long term future.
Plus there's Matt Badcock, Editor at Large of The Non League Paper giving a review of the week's games and news and a preview of the weekend's paper.