Tuesday, January 4: AJ's Missing Belly Button; Tribe Body Oddities; A Life Coach Helps Us Achieve 2022 Goals;

Jan 04, 2022, 05:05 PM

AJ didn't realize it immediately, but he started the new year with one less body part. He explains what happened, and Ashley even helped demonstrate how things have changed. (0:00)

After hearing about AJ's missing belly button, the Tribe called in their body oddities and weirdo features. (7:34)

Caitlin Clarkson Pereira talks about becoming the first female firefighter sworn in in Fairfield in almost 30 years. (20:01)

Beth Fitzgerald, a life coach, was on to help everyone accomplish their personal goals for the new year. Some people want to lose weight, AJ wants to learn how to roundhouse kick someone in the face. (33:05)

Jeff from Louisville called in with some weight loss tips as he works from home, and clearly has not had a lot of human interaction lately. (51:28)

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