1/2: ClassicScience: Climate flooding tomorrow. @pazjusticiavida @Cloud2Street

Jan 15, 2022, 03:13 AM

CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network

1/2: ClassicScience: Climate flooding tomorrow. @pazjusticiavida @Cloud2Street

 Floods of the Future.  Beth Tellman, @Cloud2Street , @NatureMagazine  @pazjusticiavida @NatureScience

Beth Tellman is chief scientist and co-founder of Cloud to Street, where she oversees the science team to map flood exposure, risk, and social vulnerability.  https://www.cloudtostreet.ai   @pazjusticiavida   University of Arizona geography department.

MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) is an optical sensor aboard
The Aqua mission, part of the NASA-centered international Earth Observing System (EOS). It studies the precipitation, evaporation, and cycling of water