EP 46: How can I stand up for BIPOC in environments that are mostly white? | Community Question

Jan 27, 2022, 12:00 PM

In this episode, we are answering the listener-submitted questions: 

As a white person, how can I speak up for BIPOC’s in spaces that are almost entirely white and the BIPOC’s don’t always feel safe speaking up? My company employs almost no black people and there are none in my department. I have asked HR to seek out BIPOC as job candidates, but I’m afraid that doesn’t do enough to support those who are already here. I don’t want to ask the BIPOC to do all the work to advocate for themselves and I want to show support, but I’m not sure what is helpful and what might be overstepping.

Do you have a question that you want to be answered on a future episode of The Inclusion 1st Podcast? Submit your question here to be featured on a future episode: 
Ready to dive in further? Check out all the places you can find us below: 

Top 5 Most Asked Questions On Anti-Racism: https://www.inclusion1stproject.org/top5