You are God's Prized Possession!

Season 1, Episode 140,   Jan 25, 2022, 07:00 AM

How do you view yourself? In this week's episode, fully unwind and remind yourself who you are in God’s eyes. Mamas, you are valuable and worthy so let me pour into you!

Call to Action: How will you affirm yourself this week?

James 1:18

Mommy Mental Check In is a step by step guide to evaluate your emotions in the moment and receive different resources and methods to decompress when overwhelmed. You are worthy of spoiling yourself mentally!

EMAIL at to have mom chats, for interviews, and speaking engagements.

How do you view yourself? In this week's episode, fully unwind and remind yourself who you are in God’s eyes. Mamas, you are valuable and worthy so let me pour into you!

Call to Action: How will you affirm yourself this week?

 James 1:18

Mommy Mental Check In is a step by step guide to evaluate your emotions in the moment and receive different resources and methods to decompress when overwhelmed. You are worthy of spoiling yourself mentally! 

EMAIL at to have mom chats, for interviews, and speaking engagements.