The Missouri Blue Ribbon Trout Slam

Episode 106,   Jan 19, 2022, 06:33 PM


Join Living the Dream Outdoors Podcast host Bill Cooper and Kyle Pokorny, from Kansas City, as they talk about Missouri’s relatively new Blue Ribbon Trout Stream Trout Slam. An avid fly fisherman, Pokorny was instrumental in creating the program in cooperation with Trout Unlimited and the Missouri department of Conservation.Anglers will be recognized as they catch at various stages as the catch and record trout from the nine Blue Ribbon Streams in the program. They include Blue Springs Creek, Barren Fork, Mill Creek, Little Piney Creek, Spring Creek, Crane Creek, Current River, Eleven Point River, and the North Fork.

Join Living the Dream Outdoors Podcast host Bill Cooper and Kyle Pokorny, from Kansas City, as they talk about Missouri’s relatively new Blue Ribbon Trout Stream Trout Slam. An avid fly fisherman, Pokorny was instrumental in creating the program in cooperation with Trout Unlimited and the Missouri department of Conservation.Anglers will be recognized as they catch at various stages as the catch and record trout from the nine Blue Ribbon Streams in the program. They include Blue Springs Creek, Barren Fork, Mill Creek, Little Piney Creek, Spring Creek, Crane Creek, Current River, Eleven Point River, and the North Fork.