#ClassicHotelMars: Mars Colonies and after. Rod Pyle, Ad Astra Magazine. David Livingston SpaceShow.com
Jan 20, 2022, 02:14 AM
Photo: Artist's impression of a Mars settlement with cutaway view.
CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network
#ClassicHotelMars: Mars Colonies and after. Rod Pyle, Ad Astra Magazine. David Livingston SpaceShow.com
#HotelMars: Why colonize Outer Space? Rod Pyle, Ad Astra Magazine. David Livingston SpaceShow.com
CBS Eye on the World with John Batchelor
CBS Audio Network
#ClassicHotelMars: Mars Colonies and after. Rod Pyle, Ad Astra Magazine. David Livingston SpaceShow.com
#HotelMars: Why colonize Outer Space? Rod Pyle, Ad Astra Magazine. David Livingston SpaceShow.com