Business Bite - Learn Why Your Product is Not Enough

Season 2, Episode 23,   Apr 06, 2022, 01:29 AM

In this episode, we have discussed that understanding the number one, most important element to confidently cold-calling and selling face to face is having not only a belief, but to possess a core conviction regarding your product or service, and what you can offer.

An extract from 'Good Girls do Sell'
CHAPTER 2 - Confidence is the Key
In Case you are wondering... Your Product is Not Enough

“With realization of one's own potential and self-confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.”
Dalai Lama

Understanding the number one, most important element to confidently cold-calling and sell face to face is having not only a belief, but to possess a core conviction regarding your product or service, and what you can offer. It will change the way you look at wanting to get the information to your prospective customers.  

If you know without any doubt, that your product or service will make life easier, save people money, bring people joy or change people’s lives then you won’t want to hold back from knocking on every door and shouting from the rooftops. Just to let people know what you can do for them and how they can improve their situation.  

I know you are probably already feeling uncomfortable about the idea of informing everyone you meet about what you do – what product you sell – what service you offer?