Elaina Burt with Charlie's Chance, Cora's Corner, & Dedication to Phillip of Sweet Jordan's

Jan 22, 2022, 04:00 PM

On today's show, I am sharing my conversation with Charlie’s Chance founder & Miss Leeds Area’s Outstanding Teen Elaina Burt! We’ll be focusing the subject of epilepsy and her effort to bring seizure first aid training to our schools. She’ll also be sharing about Charlie Mae’s First Day written by her aunt, Hannah Wilson, the same Charlie that was the inspiration for Charlie’s Chance! After my conversation with Elaina, you can listen to Cora’s Corner from Cora White. She wanted me to play her reading of The Three Little Kittens, so that’s what we’ll do! At the close of today's show, I'll have a dedication to Phillip of Sweet Jordan's. Phillip was one of Sweet Jordan's amazing employees who lived with Down syndrome. Sadly, we found out that Phillip passed away yesterday after battling health issues. We extend our condolences to his family, friends, and Sweet Jordan's work family. Please share today's show.
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