Bricking It - Episode 2 - Gillian Charlesworth

Season 1, Episode 2,   Jan 27, 2022, 01:06 PM

Bricking It is an offshoot podcast of Mentoring Circle, an initiative set up to promote female talent retention in the property industry and increase diversity at board level by partnering senior industry leads with junior women working in property. We interview some of our wonderful mentors involved in the programme to discover who the personalities are behind the accolades. Each guest will be asked about three buildings that have shaped their lives and have brought them to where they are today. We aim to find out what makes people tick and become successful at what they do, even whilst Bricking It.

As BRE Group’s Chief Executive, Gillian Charlesworth is responsible for the organisation’s strategy, culture and performance. She is passionate about the importance and potential of the built environment in supporting sustainable, vibrant and productive life on the planet. She aims to be a responsible leader, choosing to work in purpose-led organisations, and has held roles in the UK civil service and various professional bodies. Listed in Kind Leadership, 50 Leading Lights UK 2018, Gillian believes that leading with kindness – by which she means respect, honesty, empathy, inclusivity and fairness – motivates people to do their best every day and strive for results, producing long-term success for both organisations and individuals. In addition to leading BRE, she mentors a wide range of women in the construction sector, as her contribution to achieving a more diverse, and therefore successful, industry.