Blunt, Kempt and Tactful

Season 12, Episode 5,   Jan 29, 2022, 05:30 PM

Welcome Back to Blue Moon Vibes! The podcast that makes you laugh a lil' bit, cry a lil' bit, and think a lil' bit! My goal is to be the one that gives you more than you asked! I hope you can find value in these topics, and they become something that you talk amongst your friends and family about! Don't shy away from challenging issues because that is where growth happens! The change you want to see is the change you must create! We are worthy, we are tenacious, we are strong, and we are purposeful! The only way to erase the divide is to unite as a nation and treat each other as people, with respect and courtesy!

Blunt, Kempt, and Tactful
It's Series 12 Episode 5
Hey hey hey, we are back at it on this beautiful Saturday! How have yall's week been? We've got a quick show for yall today. As we continue our discussion on the likeness of Mr. Kevin Samuels, we further discuss that there should always be a level of kempt and tact in anything that we do. If you want to re-iterate a point if you have to be professionally blunt if you need "tell someone off." Regardless of the situation, you should ALWAYS have tact. What is tact, you ask? Great question. Websters defines tact as follows:
Essential Meaning of tact
: the ability to do or say things without offending or upsetting other people.
Full Definition of tact
1: a keen sense of what to do or say to maintain good relations with others or avoid offense
2: sensitive mental or aesthetic perception
So, What all of that means is, in no way am I telling you to "sugarcoat" things. The point I want to convey is to say what you mean and mean what you say. Just do it tactfully to share your point, and all is understood. There is no reason to maliciously and intentionally hurt someone's feelings or make them feel inferior, so think about how you present your thoughts. I have been guilty of this in the past, misconstruing the idea of honesty. My previous idea of "honest" was not caring what came out of my mouth. If it came to my head, it came out my mouth. As I have gotten older, I have refined this idea. Although I am still honest, I choose my words cautiously while still getting my point across.
We then move on to Amazon. I know how on earth did that happen? Listen, you will find out, lol! So would you instead shop online or in person? But how about that Jeff Bezos man! This man has mastered the art of online presence and DOMINATED! From scaling his online product selection to the opportunities to earn money through selling on his platform, Amazon is a BEAST and so rightfully named! Amazon is a trusted brand and household name! May we all take a page from the extraordinary memoir that is Mr. Bezos! But what are your thoughts! Let us know in the comments!

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The New World

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