Tuesday, February 1: Dumb Ass News; "Ice Wars" Coming From Danbury Trashers Former GM; The Guy Biking To Every State Capital

Feb 01, 2022, 05:29 PM

AJ was in big time pain this morning, but came into work and tried to tough it out. Chaz, Ashley, Phil and the Tribe slowly talked him out of that plan and eventually he decided to leave to go to the emergency room. (0:00)

Dumb Ass News - Brian Foley with the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, was on to share a story he will never forget, initiating a big arrest after an empty bag of chips was tossed out the window of a Jeep. (18:00)

AJ Galante talked to Chaz about the brief but memorable time running the Danbury Trashers. Plus, how accurate he felt the Netflix series was to the actual story. Now, AJ has a new venture he's working on for the Spring, that will include lots of fights on the ice. (23:59)

Bob "Bibbery" is on a personal quest to visit all the state capitals, but he's biking everywhere. He shared his diet, how he mapped out his route, and the cool things he's seen and experienced so far. (39:58)

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