1/2: #Ukraine: The insular presidency; & What is to be done? Kori Schake @AEI

Feb 15, 2022, 01:36 AM

Photo:  Millard Fillmore (“His Accidency”) became America’s unlucky 13th president under trying circumstances; "A largely ignored vice president . . ."  Fillmore’s presidency has become synonymous with obscurity, but his greatest mistake was hugely impactful for American history. The tarnished legacy of his legislative missteps reveals much about his political ambition and personal failings.
          "Fillmore's actions may have averted a national crisis and postponed the outbreak of the Civil War, but it was peace bought at an unconscionable price. Two decades after the notorious deal, The New York Times opined that it was Fillmore's "misfortune to see in slavery a political and not a moral question." "Misfortune" might now seem too kind a word."

1/2:  #Ukraine: The insular presidency; & What is to be done? Kori Schake @AEI