Tuesday, February 15: Will Ice Fishing Lead To Prostitution?; Attorney Norm Pattis; We Talk To A Naked Skydiver

Feb 15, 2022, 05:25 PM

Dumb Ass News - Ice fishing leads to prostitution? At least one mayor seems to think so. (0:00)

Attorney Norm Pattis was on to talk about a big Connecticut case becoming a blockbuster movie, but first we had to talk about the ancient Roman "brothel coins." (11:01)

The Sound on Sound Music Festival announced! Live Nation's Jimmy Koplik, Hartford HealthCare Amphitheater's Howard Saffan, and Governor's Ball Jordan Wolowitz were all in studio to release the details. (19:12)

Rian Kanouff is a skydiver, attempting a record this week for naked skydiving. All Chaz and AJ wanted to know, how does he land? (45:41)

Matt Lawlor is from Connecticut, listened to Chaz and AJ growing up, and decided after moving to Boston to send them some of his interviews. The people of Boston weigh in on their worst dates. (53:21)

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