Tuesday February 22, 2022: Dumb Human Trick; Raven’s Procedure; The Time You Were Uninvited

Feb 22, 2022, 03:00 PM

Have you ever fallen for an internet scam?  Anna keeps getting a message on Facebook that she is sure is a scam!  But she kinda wants to click on it anyway…  (:30)

Is there really a difference between cheap wine and expensive wine?  Anna always figured there wasn’t, until she had some great fancy wine over the weekend!  She decided to talk to Anna Christina Cabrales, a sommelier, to find out how to get that expensive taste on a budget!  (3:27)

Having some drinks with your friends is a good time, but if it ends with you almost accidentally killing your friend, that’s all I need to know about you!  (7:27)

Are you up to date on this week’s trending stories?  Anna and Raven go over the biggest stories from over the weekend, including the reign of terror of “Hank the Tank”!  (10:49)

Raven had a medical procedure yesterday and he’s been really nervous about it.  But Anna has been through this procedure multiple times and she loves it!  (14:48)

What dumb human trick can you do?  Anna’s friend Charlie can do a split on command and Producer Sean revealed that he is the world’s fastest clapper!  (18:48)

Have you ever had to uninvite someone from a party?  Have YOU ever been uninvited?  Raven is throwing a party but now some of his guests are doing something that is causing him to consider telling them to stay home!  (29:33)

William and Tania are getting married this summer. William's friends are flying in only for the weekend and they've planned to have his bachelor party after the rehearsal dinner the night before, and plan to go golfing the morning of the wedding. Tania thinks it's too much right before the wedding, she doesn't want a hungover groom! Would you be cool with that?  (37:18)

Sharon thinks she’s got what it takes to beat Raven in pop culture trivia!  Can she succeed and win the $1500 prize?  (45:19)