Sometimes You Can't Go with the Flow: Hacking Writing Energies in Episode 304 with Jess and KJ

Episode 304,   Feb 25, 2022, 05:01 AM

Here’s the deal: Jess and I (KJ here) have been rolling with different energies lately. She’s letting the spirit move her. Being inspired. Putting time into other creative projects and inviting that to feed her soul. I’m stepping over other projects, telling the spirit I’m not home right now and keeping the spotlight in one place.

In this episode, we talk about when you can—and can’t—go with the flow. How we handle it when other ideas beckon, but a deadline demands our attention. What we do between projects and why. And why KJ puts a meal plan on the fridge every week, while Jess asks “what do we feel like eating?”—but that does NOT mean Jess can’t make a plan and stick to it, or that KJ never follows the muse. (Although, re: dinner: I don’t CARE what you feel like eating. This is what we’re having.)

As always, if you’ve got a pressing writerly question you’d like us to answer or that you might be willing to work through on the show, email us:

Links from the Pod:

Blueprint for a Book by Jennie Nash

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

Outlander Lady: Diana Gabaldon



KJ: The Secret to Superhuman Strength, Alison Bechdel

Hey—have you been spending small amounts on short term classes, watching videos and using up every possible opportunity for free feedback? Reworking the same pages over and over in your writing group? Are you starting to feel like you’re stuck in one stage of the process? Maybe it’s time to consider making a bigger investment in your career and working with an Author Accelerator Book Coach. No one can guarantee that you’ll write a book that will snag an agent or a excite an editor. But a coach can help you move forward, finish a book or proposal you’re proud of and approach the next stage of the process like a pro. I know it helped me! If that sounds like something you need, visit to get matched with a coach who can help you.