Jesus is central #3 - Authority

Season 2, Episode 3,   Feb 26, 2022, 05:00 AM

How much authority do you think you have? When it comes to sport, within your club or team how much sway do you have in the tactics or decision making? How much clout does your voice hold?

It’s so frustrating when you think you have something significant to contribute but your words don’t seem to penetrate. You feel as though you have very little authority and decisions are taken out of your hands.

Or perhaps you know you have the authority in the dressing room. It’s you who commands the respect. It’s your voice that the team listen to. 

When we’re tempted to despair of our insignificant voice or tempted to think that it’s only our voice that matters, we’d do well to pay attention to Paul’s words about the authority that Jesus holds.