Where are you really at in your "journey"?

Episode 98,   Mar 07, 2022, 07:55 AM

If current events have taught us anything lately, it's that courage isn't hard to come by. But we don't need to be in a highly stressed and dangerous situation in order to be courageous, or to figure out what makes us happy. They say life is all about the journey, so how's your journey been so far?


Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.

For Performance Coaching :

Producer: Kattie Laur
Music from Motion Array