A Family Find It Impossible To Sleep In This Haunted House | Best of RGSO

Mar 26, 2022, 09:00 AM

What do you do when you grow up in a haunted house that makes sleeping near impossible?
Here is a preview of the story.
“Another time I had friends over for a sleepover we had all been downstairs hanging out until I got tired and went upstairs to my bed, my two friends stayed downstairs, and I could hear them still laughing and talking. I had a bunk bed so the head of my bed faces out the window and the feet were right beside the door so I could see anyone if they walked into the room. I closed my eyes and tried to sleep, as I was laying there I heard someone whisper my name, I thought at first it was my friends but then I heard them downstairs so I ignored it and I heard it again so I looked at the foot of my bed and there was a woman standing at the foot of my bed, she was kind of of grey glowing and she was kind of old looking, but we just locked eyes, I didn't move or blink, I felt so frozen I tried to speak to call my friends but my voice was so quiet and the woman just stayed there her hands wrapped around the bars of my bunk bed. I began to call their names louder and louder until they could hear me, and they ran upstairs, I had thrown the covers over my head when I started yelling louder and when I pulled them back, she was gone.”

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