Monday April 4, 2022: What You Never Wash; Grammy Recap; March Fadness Finals

Apr 04, 2022, 01:46 PM

Anna has been dealing with a lingering cough for the last week and the only that has helped so far is something that is usually reserved for children… (:30)

Are you up to date on this week’s trending stories?  Anna and Raven get you caught up on what’s trending, including the controversy surrounding K-Pop group BTS! (2:52)

Easter is a time for family and celebration, so if you’re an adult taking the Church Easter Egg Hunt way too seriously, that’s all I need to know about you!  (6:43)

After the drama that unfolded at the Oscars, Sunday’s Grammy Awards had some lofty expectations.  Did they live up to them?  (10:18)

Is there something that you just never wash?  Anna was completely grossed out when she found out that a co-worker never washes something that they use every day!  (14:17)

The March Fadness Finals have arrived!  After weeks of fierce competition, Anna and Raven are ready to crown the biggest fad of all time!  Will it be Cabbage Patch Dolls or Pokemon Go?!  (29:12)

While Adam gave the best man speech at his brother's wedding, he made a joke and said, "sometimes a terrible mistake turns out to be the best thing". The problem? He was referring to the fact that his brother had an affair with his new bride. (His brother and his ex-wife got divorced because of the affair) Adam's girlfriend, Savannah, says he owes his brother and new sister-in-law an apology. What do you think?  (36:42)

Tom has got a shot at $4400!  Can he finally end Raven’s winning streak and win the prize?  (45:26)