Everything Comes From Nothing | Zero Plus with Sachin Sharma - Ep 258

Apr 21, 2022, 04:00 AM

On this week's episode I am joined by my friend and coach Sachin Sharma in the first of a series of podcasts in which we will be sharing our insights and experiences through our day-to-day lives.

In this episode we are exploring the idea of everything in life coming from nothing, it all comes from zero. As humans ‘zero’ is our natural state. It’s one of inner peace, unconditional love and clarity.

Everything else is additional; it’s ‘plus’.

When you worry
When you overthink
When you stress
When you’re angry
When you’re annoyed

It’s all ‘plus’.

All thought and feelings come from zero, they’re all ‘plus’.

This means we don’t have to react to them and when we do, it always takes us away from zero and into ‘plus’.

If you enjoy this session and think there is someone you feel would benefit from hearing it then please make sure you share it with them :)

Connect with Sachin:
IG: @sachinsinsights

Connect with Alex:
IG: @iamalexmanzi
Tik Tok: @iamalexmanzi
Twitter: @iamalexmanzi