#Ukraine: Defense Industry Bulls. Simon Constable @RealConstable @Forbes Edinburgh; @BarronsOnline.@Forbes

Apr 27, 2022, 11:52 PM

Photo: Defense housing, Erie, Pennsylvania. Living conditions were so crowded in Erie, Pennsylvania, that a defense worker and his family of three were found to be living in this attic room. One of the defense industries there, which holds large contracts for the Navy, expects an increase of 4,000 workers during the coming year. Practically all vacancies are already taken, and even the contemplated construction of new homes will fill only a fraction of the need. Realizing the urgency of this need, the Division of Defense Housing has programmed 300 homes in this area, 60 of which are already completed (July 1941). In the meantime, trailers are being used by the Division as a temporary expedient until the more permanent homes are completed

#Ukraine: Defense Industry Bulls. Simon Constable  @RealConstable  @Forbes Edinburgh; @BarronsOnline.@Forbes

Simon Constable  @RealConstable  @Forbes Edinburgh; @BarronsOnline.@Forbes
economist, journalist, currently based in Scotland; and author, The WSJ Guide to the 50 Economic Indicators That Really Matter: From Big Macs to "Zombie Banks," the Indicators Smart Investors Watch to Beat the Market.