Friday April 29, 2022: Tanning Horror Stories; Raven’s Report Card; Mommy’s Margarita Friday

Apr 29, 2022, 02:01 PM

Would you bring your family on a work trip?  Anna thinks it seems like a fun, affordable way to do a family trip, but there’s one big downside…  (1:00)

Every Friday, Raven’s wife Alicia calls in to give him a grade on how he did as a husband that week!  Last weekend Raven went on his annual “man-camping” trip and Alicia is starting to get annoyed that he hasn’t unpacked yet… (3:21)

Mother’s Day is coming up quickly and if you still don’t know what you’re doing next weekend, that’s all I need to know about you! (7:08)

Anna has three crazy news stories and Raven is gonna pick one to talk about!  Today his options are mostly animal related, which is good because Raven recently had to break up a fight between two wild animals!  (10:37)

Do you have a tanning salon horror story?  Most doctors agree that tanning isn’t a healthy thing to do regularly, but now there’s a new product that has made it even worse for you!  (13:48)

Mother’s Day is coming up and Anna and Raven want to hear your Mother’s Day confession!  Is there something you’ve always wanted to tell your Mom, but you haven’t had the guts to do?  Or are you a Mom who has made a few mistakes in your parenting life?  Call 833-431-0905 and leave your Mother’s Day Confession!  (25:13)

It’s time for Mommy’s Margarita Friday!  Moms (and Dads) share all the crazy things that their kids have put them through this week that have definitely earned them a margarita!  (27:01)

The Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial is sad but also completely ridiculous.  It’s gotten so crazy that Anna has invented a new game around it…  (30:55)

Tim works long days and when he gets home, he just wants to eat dinner on the couch and unwind. His wife, Audrey, thinks it's not good for their relationship to not sit at the dining room table and actually talk to each other during dinner. He says it's his only time to relax and Monday through Friday, he wants to eat in front of the TV. On the weekends, he doesn't care. What do you think?  (34:54)

Raven is on a roll and the jackpot for Can’t Beat Raven is a record $6300!  Does Mary have what it takes to finally beat Raven in pop culture trivia and claim the prize? (42:24)