Excursions: Cuba Edition

Episode 1,   May 15, 2022, 03:52 AM

Come journey with me and Fred Ones on that 2018 trip to Cuba where we met with hip hop artists, including El Individuo, La Reyna y La Real, the head of the Cuban Rap Agency Ruben Marin, DJ Reymel, and Yimi con Claze. They discuss the scene in Cuba and how their lives, and music, are affected by the political  and social conditions there. This is our pilot Excursions episode. Voiceovers conducted by: Miguel Perdomo (aka Miggz), DJ Djeka, Reyna Moreno, Emma Lee, Rhinoceros Funk, Yahzeed, and Intikana.

Executive Producer: Fred Ones
Writer & Narrator: Gina Arias
Sound Design & Audio Engineering: Fred Ones