Tuesday, May 17: AJ's Lottery "Luck"; Dumb Ass News; Brandon Steiner

May 17, 2022, 03:49 PM

Greg Smith, CEO for CT Lottery was in studio to observe AJ's lottery "luck" in real time. AJ scratched off one of the new 50th Anniversary tickets hoping for a big payout! (0:00)

Rob Ray was back to take on the Tribe's '70s music trivia. Today, the Tribe would give him the song title of a hit song (in the US) from the 1970s and Rob had to name the artist. (17:16)

Dumb Ass News - A Lyft driver has gone viral for denying a trip to racist passengers. Chaz and AJ played the audio, and couldn't figure out why the driver was being so polite. (23:44)

Brandon Steiner was on to help the Tribe with their sports memorabilia appraisals, and heard at least one item he was personally interested in. (27:48)