Thursday May 19, 2022: You Break It, You Buy It; Yearbook Comments; Most Expensive Ticket

May 19, 2022, 02:07 PM

Do you know anyone with a distinct smell?  For years there have been stories going around Hollywood that one actor, who played Batman, smells exactly like crayons!  (:30)

Anna and Raven’s Road Show returns!  Ryan Brechlin, a Professional Antiques Appraiser, is in studio to determine if the old junk in your house is actually worth anything!  Today, one listener’s inheritance might end up making them some serious cash!  (2:36)

It’s good to be a cautious driver, but if you’re putting on your hazards every time there’s a little bit of rain, that’s all I need to know about you! (7:50)

If you break it, do you have to buy it?  What about if you’re toddler breaks it?  This happened to Anna over the weekend and it wasn’t even the first time…  (11:20)

Do you remember the crazy stuff your friends wrote in your high school yearbook?  Anna and Raven decided to dig out their old yearbooks and take a look!  (18:52)

Anna has 3 crazy news stories and Raven gets to pick one to discuss!  Today, all 3 stories are about women who made the news by doing something completely ridiculous!  (25:31)

What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent to see someone famous?  Taylor Swift did the commencement speech at NYU and some students were scalping their tickets for outrageous amounts of money!  (29:05)

Elijah thinks it's inappropriate that his wife Mila takes their three-month-old baby (in the carrier) to a restaurant/bar one night a week to meet a friend. She admits that yes, it is a bar, BUT it serves food and its no big deal! What do you think? Baby at a bar?  (33:05)

Chelsea has got a shot at $7700!  Can she beat Raven in pop culture trivia and win the largest jackpot ever?  (41:05)