The Theater of the Absurd Is Life

Episode 109,   May 23, 2022, 06:47 AM

Many people are looking around at their lives and just can't believe what they're seeing. It seems that our world is in need of desperate repair, and the solutions seem obvious, but for whatever reason things just don't seem to change. Today, we've got a big black cloud hovering over society, and sometimes it can feel all consuming. I reflect on my perception of the world around us and how to prioritize the time to find your happiness when it feels out of reach.


Be You: The World Will Adjust is a weekly, Toronto podcast hosted by leading adviser in recruiting and personal development coaching, Jim Beqaj. Take the first 20 minutes of your week to breakdown a roadblock in your life that’s keeping you from fulfillment. Every Monday morning, you’ll find trusted, honest advice without any sugar coating - and a thought to walk away with for the rest of the week.

For Performance Coaching :

Producer: Kattie Laur
Music from Motion Array