Out Now Commentary: Top Gun (1986)
May 27, 2022, 02:31 AM
This month’s Out Now with Aaron and Abe commentary track is taking audiences to the danger zone. Aaron is joined by Brandon Peters, Yancy Berns, Peter Paras, and Scott Mendelson to discuss the 80s pop culture classic action film, Top Gun. 36 years later, on the eve of the release of the much-anticipated sequel, the group covers the film from all angles, including what director Tony Scott managed to create by focusing on escapism, the genius of producers Jerry Bruckheimer and Don Simpson to capitalize on this sort of action, and the craftiness of star Tom Cruise, a budding movie star at the time. There’s plenty more discussion about the nature of the production, what makes this film stand out among other action and popular films of its time, and lots of fun tangents as well. So now, if you’ve got a couple of hours to kill…
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- Check out all of our sites and blogs: TheCodeIsZeek.com, Why So Blu?, The Brandon Peters Show, Forbes, The Milky Way Blues
- Watch the Trailer for Top Gun
- Watch the Trailer for Top Gun: Maverick
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