speaking of leadership
May 25, 2020, 05:00 AM
Episode # 13
Speaking of Leadership
Guest: Julie Smolyansky – CEO of Lifeway Foods
Guest: Julie Smolyansky – CEO of Lifeway Foods
On this episode we are speaking leadership with CEO of Lifeway Foods Julie Smolyansky who at age 27, became the youngest female CEO of a publicly held company. Named to Fortune Business 40 under 40 and Fortune’s 55 Most Influential Women on Twitter – Julie is a natural born leader. She drops so much wisdom here you will want to take notes.
Julie is also a fierce advocate for victims of sexual assault and as a survivor herself, Julie uses her voice as a platform for support and change We recorded this episode in early February, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the call volume currently rising with domestic violence and sexual assault cases, Julie’s leadership is needed now more than ever.
Julie serves as a producer on the new documentary On The Record which premiers on HBO Max Wednesday, May 27th. Julie is a true leader and I am honored to call her my friend. I hope you will listen and share with anyone who needs to hear her message.
Listening notes:
00:48 We are speaking leadership with Julie Smolyansky
1:28 How is love speaking to you today?
2:58 You have to be a leader to have these conversations.
4:31 Executive Producer “On the Record” and “The Hunting Ground”
5:58 “On the Record shines a light on the #MeToo movement specifically for women of color”
7:02 “I actually have an issue with words ‘Me Too’”
9:00 “We should be linked arm and arm.”
10:18 Being in your purpose and using your gut
12:35 Doing what you love to benefit others
12:50 Test 400K – untested rape kids
15:45 “Speak your story to help others so they can move on and not feel shame”
17:56 Standing on the stage with 50 survivors
18:33 Learning a new vocabulary
19:14 Did you have to talk to your family, your employees and do you use these words with the press now?
20:17 As the mother of two girls
21:10 The word “victim”
21:49 YPO forum
23:55 What do you hope to do with your story?
25:08 How fitting – following your gut and being the CEO of a company that makes the product
26:15 “My story is heavy. It comes with trigger warnings.”
28:15 “Oprah was the first survivor I knew in a public life.”
29:28 1 in 3 suffer from sexual abuse
30:55 “I thought I was putting on a good show.”
31:56 The importance of self-care
32:45 “Make something out of your pain.”
33:13 “I am so hopeful and optimistic for a better future.”
34:14 Where do you get your grit from?
35:50 Every Mother Counts
36:19 What’s your biggest challenge?
37:30 Lessons from her sisters in Bangladesh
39:50 What can people do to be better leaders?
42:39 What was your talent as a young girl?
44:23 How many hours do you sleep now?
45:49 At 27 you became a CEO of Lifeway Foods – what did that feel like?
47:40 Advice to the President of Columbia
48:12 “I have a lens … it’s never going to get solved if we don’t talk about it.”
49:00 “It’s so exciting to see how the needle has changed.”
49:29 What would your employees say about you as a leader?
50:17 “Today when I walk into a room people come up to me to share their story.”
52:47 What are your grandmother’s names?
53:36 Do you have a daily prayer?
54:33 What should we demand of our leaders?
56:52 “We have to be there for each other. Community saves us.”
57:20 “When you’re an immigrant child the conversations didn’t happen.”
58:12 Kobe Bryant’s death
59:20 We need to sit with our kids.
59:50 “Learning to hold space for others.”
1:00:04 We need community
1:02:15 The greatest leadership quality is love
1:28 How is love speaking to you today?
2:58 You have to be a leader to have these conversations.
4:31 Executive Producer “On the Record” and “The Hunting Ground”
5:58 “On the Record shines a light on the #MeToo movement specifically for women of color”
7:02 “I actually have an issue with words ‘Me Too’”
9:00 “We should be linked arm and arm.”
10:18 Being in your purpose and using your gut
12:35 Doing what you love to benefit others
12:50 Test 400K – untested rape kids
15:45 “Speak your story to help others so they can move on and not feel shame”
17:56 Standing on the stage with 50 survivors
18:33 Learning a new vocabulary
19:14 Did you have to talk to your family, your employees and do you use these words with the press now?
20:17 As the mother of two girls
21:10 The word “victim”
21:49 YPO forum
23:55 What do you hope to do with your story?
25:08 How fitting – following your gut and being the CEO of a company that makes the product
26:15 “My story is heavy. It comes with trigger warnings.”
28:15 “Oprah was the first survivor I knew in a public life.”
29:28 1 in 3 suffer from sexual abuse
30:55 “I thought I was putting on a good show.”
31:56 The importance of self-care
32:45 “Make something out of your pain.”
33:13 “I am so hopeful and optimistic for a better future.”
34:14 Where do you get your grit from?
35:50 Every Mother Counts
36:19 What’s your biggest challenge?
37:30 Lessons from her sisters in Bangladesh
39:50 What can people do to be better leaders?
42:39 What was your talent as a young girl?
44:23 How many hours do you sleep now?
45:49 At 27 you became a CEO of Lifeway Foods – what did that feel like?
47:40 Advice to the President of Columbia
48:12 “I have a lens … it’s never going to get solved if we don’t talk about it.”
49:00 “It’s so exciting to see how the needle has changed.”
49:29 What would your employees say about you as a leader?
50:17 “Today when I walk into a room people come up to me to share their story.”
52:47 What are your grandmother’s names?
53:36 Do you have a daily prayer?
54:33 What should we demand of our leaders?
56:52 “We have to be there for each other. Community saves us.”
57:20 “When you’re an immigrant child the conversations didn’t happen.”
58:12 Kobe Bryant’s death
59:20 We need to sit with our kids.
59:50 “Learning to hold space for others.”
1:00:04 We need community
1:02:15 The greatest leadership quality is love
Every Mother Counts
Lifeway Foods
The Kefir Cookbook now available on Amazon
The Hunting Ground
On the Record
Till It Happens to You
Test 400K