The Benefits of Yoga with Ali Parker

Episode 185,   Jun 10, 2022, 10:24 AM

Janey chats to Ali Parker on the benefits of yoga in sobriety and picks up on a news story around alcohol. A reminder of Selfcare in Sobriety at Champneys and joining The Sober Club

Janey shares her views on some news articles and chats to Ali Parker on the benefits of yoga in sobriety, how it is not competitive and can be helpful to still the mind and body and support being 'selfkind'  Ali is offering yoga for runners. Check out her work at Mind the Yoga

Last call to book onto Champneys Selfcare in Sobriety 26-27 June in Tring and also check out Family Constellations Sun 17 July in Herts  There will be a new date for Sober by the Sea in August. Go to Events

Join us in The Sober Club for inspiration, support and connection, its a totally non judgemental approach.  Always reach out if you are struggling too.

If you are ready to rock, and whether you are a member or not join our 12 week 1-1 Accountability programme More info here
Follow Janey on social media @janeyleegrace