The Anarchy through Historical Fiction

Season 1, Episode 2,   Jun 08, 2022, 10:01 PM

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Chelle and RK talk about The Anarchy and the framing of the era in historical fiction through the lens of two novels, When Christ and His Saints Slept, by Sharon Kay Penman and Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett.
00:56 Thanks to everyone who listened to our first episode!

4:03 We discuss the White Ship Tragedy and its aftermath as background for The Anarchy and briefly summarize the two novels we read for this episode. 

12:56 How did Chelle first discover Penman's novel? Did she like it? 

18:30 RK's long adventure with medieval fiction began with Pillars of the Earth. 

24:45 We talk about what we each found appealing (or not) about these books. 

28:45 We compare the portrayal of historical figures Stephen and Maude in these books. 

32:20 The inevitable sidebar about the Tudors. 

33:50 Penman's characterization of King Stephen reminded both of us of another one of her books. 

40:03 We take a brief detour and talk about the TV series based on Pillars of the Earth (and share an inside joke too).

44:15 The two authors had very different objectives.Penman wanted to rehabilitate both Stephen and Maude, and Follett wanted to know who built these grand medieval churches and how they did it. 

53:40  We talk about the proliferation of disappointing sons in Pillars of the Earth. 

56:09  It's impossible to talk about these books without discussing the gender politics. 

1: 01  Just how much Plantagenet shade did Henry II and his chroniclers throw at Stephen anyway? Did the two books give us a sense of The Anarchy? 

1:20  As we wrap up, we give the Brother Cadfael series a shoutout and also recommend a documentary on the period, She-Wolves.