Monday, June 13: Attorney Norm Pattis; The "Dude Dad" Tells All; Dumb Ass News

Jun 13, 2022, 08:17 PM

Attorney Norm Pattis was on to talk about the woman that successfully sued Geico, after contracting a STD in one of their insured cars. Plus, Norm defends the villain in some other viral news stories. (0:00)

Dads like to claim they're always right, but of course everyone is wrong sometimes. The Tribe shared their examples of when dad was wrong, including one caller that presented the story as a poem. (13:51)

Author Taylor Calmus is the "Dude Dad," who wrote a book for new fathers. Taylor has three kids, and has learned some valuable lessons through trial and error. (23:10)

Dumb Ass News - A fisherman's prized catfish catch was marred by a disgusting discovery in the stomach. (39:22)