Tuesday, June 21: Catalytic Converter Theft Assault, TikTok Detective's Advice on Cell Phone Pictures, Animal Encounters

Jun 21, 2022, 05:41 PM

Luke O'Brien was attacked during a catalytic converter theft, and needed some 300 stitches to repair his face. He was on the phone with Chaz and AJ to talk about the incident, his recovery, and all the information he could share about the person that is still at large. (0:00) 

Former Detective Mike Arterburn was on with Chaz and AJ to share some important tip on protecting your personal information. Specifically, how to prevent sending a lot of details through your camera on your phone. (10:11) 

In Dumb Ass News, a woman in Florida was chased while walking her dog by a raccoon. (25:48)

Johnathan Carbutti was on the phone to talk about the real estate market, which he thinks is still extremely active. A Tribe member also called in to ask for some advice for first-time home buyers like himself. (31:33)

A 90-year-old woman survived a bear attack, so Chaz and AJ asked the Tribe about their animal encounter stories. If you ever wondered how long a deer's tongue is, there is a story here that might help answer that question. (47:36)

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Barbara Cline/iStock/Getty Images Plus