Episode 154: Ominous Vibes
Jun 26, 2022, 02:00 PM
- Welcome to our special guest, Chris!
- Thanks to our Patreon Supporter this week, Jen M.!
- Phoenix Register: America is not the entire world.
- Secrets of Dumbledore is releasing on DVD/Blu-Ray in France on 8/24.
- It's also performing very well on HBO Max!
- A new Harry Potter experience, Harry Potter: Magic at Play is opening this fall, potentially in Chicago.
- The SDCC-exclusive Zouwu Loungefly backpack is very cute.
- Owl post: no owls :( send us your thoughts!
- Main Discussion: The election: what happened and how can we fix it?
- "Wizards just perceive time differently."
- What year is it?? Maybe we discover an answer.
- We want all the lore, please.
- Wizarding elections are extremely complicated.
- New theory about what happened in Florida in 2000 just dropped.
- The German newspaper we use as reference can be seen here.
- Grindelwald’s playing 4-D chess and we're just trying keep up.
- Do Tao and Dumbledore know each other? Can we have more of that?
- You can't hate Muggles if you're wearing a sharp suit.
- "And now, the fanfiction portion of the show."
- Leave it to Marjolaine to come up with a gorgeous, cinematic magical voting system.
- SpeakBeasty officially endorses Santos.*
- *according to Ann. This is not actually a dictatorship.
- If you want more Chris content, you can follow him on Twitter @chrislysy, on Instagram @lysyc12 (cute dog pics!), or go to his website www.chrislysy.com.
Podcast Question: We created a magical voting system. How do you think wizards would vote?