Linda Jämsén, Memoir Writer: Odyssey of Love

Season 3, Episode 23,   Jul 07, 2022, 05:00 AM

In this episode of Conversations with Authors I meet Linda Jämsén, author of Odyssey of Love: A Memoir of Seeking and Finding, which was published in June 2021. Linda is an American ex-pat living in Helsinki and her book tells the true story of how she moved across the world to find love! We talk about being authentic, writing at your own pace, and using editors and beta readers to make your book as good as it can be.

Welcome to Conversations with Authors, where I – Alison Thompson, AKA The Proof Fairy – meet amazing authors and find out what inspires them to write and what advice they would offer other aspiring authors.
In this episode I meet Linda Jämsén, author of Odyssey of Love: A Memoir of Seeking and Finding, which was published in June 2021. Linda is an American ex-pat living in Helsinki and her book tells the true story of how she moved across the world to find love after a psychic told her to travel to Europe to find a tall man wearing glasses! 

Linda never intended to write a book and she explains how it grew organically from personal writing she did as therapy after the death of her father. We also talk about being authentic, writing at your own pace, and using editors and beta readers to make your book as good as it can be.

More About Linda Jämsén 

Linda Jämsén is an American ex-pat writer-musician living in Helsinki. She grew up in New York, holding a book in one hand while exploring the piano keyboard with the other. She graduated with a B.A. in Music from Bard College, and as an avid choral singer has performed in Hungary, Finland, the UK, and Israel. 

For years, she raised funds for a variety of philanthropic causes in Boston, but longing to return to her musical roots, in 2001 she moved to Budapest, land of her musical idol Franz Liszt. Her musical, romantic, and travel adventures abroad inspired her to write Odyssey of Love: A Memoir of Seeking and Finding, her literary debut


Linda’s website:

@lindajamsenauthor (Instagram)