Colon Cancer Awareness with Merrill Culverhouse

Jun 30, 2022, 02:00 AM

There are colon cancer patients who do not feel comfortable speaking to others about their journey. For Merrill Culverhouse, who was diagnosed with colon cancer at 43 years old, talking about his journey has never been a problem. In addition to good therapy for himself, Merrill felt sharing might make a difference in someone else's life, too. Whether it helped someone decide to follow up with their doctor about symptoms they were having or to follow through with having a colonoscopy for the first time, Merrill wanted to think what he was saying made a difference. To give others a place to share, Merrill started the South Alabama Semi-Colon Club. In addition to being a pharmacist, Merrill is also a restaurant owner, using his Wheelhouse Restaurant as the meeting place for the group.
Tonight, Merrill is sharing his colon cancer experience and mission from his restaurant in Opp. I hope you will listen as Merrill has an urgent message to be proactive when it comes to colorectal health. Listen & share.