116 | Validating Yourself | Evolution Of Self

Episode 115,   Jul 28, 2022, 12:30 AM

It can be hard for us to see our own worth especially when we are brought up to believe that it is wrong to admire ourselves that it is egotistical. So we look to others to validate us. Others who are also flawed and have insecurities who might not want to validate us for many reasons or who might not even be aware that we seek their validation. So we lay our self worth at the mercy of someone else. The only person who knows your worth and can truly see it is you. In this weeks episode I share about this.

It can be hard for us to see our own worth especially when we are brought up to believe that it is wrong to admire ourselves that it is egotistical. So we look to others to validate us. Others who are also flawed and have insecurities who might not want to validate us for many reasons or who might not even be aware that we seek their validation. So we lay our self worth at the mercy of someone else. The only person who knows your worth and can truly see it is you. In this weeks episode I share about this.



Ho'oponopono Clearing

Ho'oponopono Video

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"Evolution of Self" is a weekly podcast to support your journey towards a more conscious self aware way of living .  Britt is a Consciousness Coach, advanced Ho'oponopono practitioner, podcaster, blogger, entrepreneur and has considerable experience as a board director.

#SelfAwareness #ConsciousSelf #SelfBelief #Integrity #EvolutionOfSelf #BrittTanya #Consciousness #BecomingConscious #SelfBelief #Integrity #ConsciousLeadership #Authenticity #LawOfAttraction



Music - "Celebrate Life“ by Sascha A.Giebel, Basspartout Music

Picture by christelleboninn from Pixabay 

Check out my podcast channel here -  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/evolution-of-self/id1509289914

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