Will $70 Games Ever be Accepted?

Episode 394,   Jul 25, 2022, 04:35 AM

On Throwdown Your Questions Ep. 394, we discuss $70 games, Assassin’s Creed games, older games, Saints Row, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Steam Deck, Xbox Series X, and more!

Here are all of the questions we answer this week:

- Will $70 games ever be accepted?
- Should Ubisoft put Assassin’s Creed on a longer hiatus?
- Have you ever played games with anyone over 60?
- Have any of you played the new Saints Row yet?
- Could Modern Warfare 2 release day one on Game Pass?
- What is the most important franchise from Sony, Nintendo, and Xbox?
- Would you prefer to have a dream superhero game or dream anime game?
- What are the top modding apps on Steam Deck?
- Will Xbox’s successes in Japan and Europe help it compete?
- Are there any innovations left in gaming?
- Where do the Throwdown members rank themselves as gamers?
- Is Halo Infinite’s future in jeopardy?

Thanks as always to Shawn Daley for our intro and outro music. Follow him on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/shawndaley

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