Patriotic Alabama Community Honors Fallen Vietnam Heroes

Aug 02, 2022, 02:00 AM

A very important aspect of my trip to Andalusia, Alabama, last week was to cover the The Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall hosted by Covington Veterans Foundation. At the opening ceremony, family members who had lost loved ones during the Vietnam War, were asked to stand up. For those family members it was a time to stand proudly, knowing that we were honoring the sacrifice of their loved ones. Before the ceremony, I had the opportunity to speak with men who played an important role in this past week’s events, including having Lee Greenwood during July Jamz. As we all know, these events don’t just happen by “osmosis” (that was something my granddaddy used to say).

On today’s show, I have CCB Community Bank CEO Michael Andrews to share about the importance of their bank being able to support community efforts like this past week’s effort in Andalusia. After that, I have three more guests from Covington Veterans Foundation! They are Andalusia Councilman Terry Powell (CVF Chaplain), Covington County Circuit Judge Ben Bowden (CVF President), & John Vick (CVF Chairman). I hope you will take a listen as we honor our Vietnam fallen heroes and share our great appreciation for their service and sacrifice. Please share.