EPA Tackles Fertiliser Plant Odour Issue - Community Response

Episode 1600,   Aug 03, 2022, 01:08 AM

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has added a new condition to the operating licence of a Kanmantoo-based fertiliser producer, following numerous complaints about odour from the community.

Neutrog will be required to have an air quality specialist analyse odour monitoring and modelling data and will have to identify measures by September 9 to take to reduce the smell.

A two-decade long campaign against Neutrog by community spokesperson Peter Roberts has ramped up in recent months, particuarly following a major expansion of the plant in the past two years, which he says has created a 'stentch' that significantly worsens the lifestyles of residents and businesses.

He joins Jennie Lenman to discuss the issue and respond to the latest EPA directive.