Oscar Rewind: Amour

Season 5, Episode 167,   Aug 15, 2022, 01:00 PM

We're back and talking about movies once again so all is right in the world. Take a deep breath, relax and get ready to be transported back to 2013. First up is Amour! A quiet emotional gut punch of a film that almost felt more like a play. At the time of its nomination, it was only the seventh foreign film to be nominated for Best Picture.

What did you think of Amour? What's your favorite Foreign Best Picture nominee? Let us know over on Twitter or Instagram!

#Amour #BestPicture #BestActress #BestDirector #BestForeignLanguageFilm #BestOriginalScreenplay #Oscars2013 #2013Oscars #AcademyAwards #Oscars