Love Your Railway (with Luke Hudman)

Episode 27,   Aug 12, 2022, 07:00 AM

The summer of 2022 has seen the return of the #LoveYourRailway campaign to social media. The North Yorkshire Moors Railway's Marketing Manager Luke Hudman joins us today to tell us the idea behind the campaign, why we should love our railway, and how to get involved.

'Love Your Railway’ brings together over 80 organisations from as far afield as Scotland, Snowdonia, Leighton Buzzard, and the Lake District in the nationwide campaign which shines a spotlight on heritage railway organisations, encouraging visitors to support them this summer.

Spearheaded by NYMR, ‘Love Your Railway’ is a six-week campaign which runs over the summer holidays from 25th July to 4th September, with weekly themes covering conservation, education and research.

Thanks so much to Luke for coming on the podcast!