Groundwork: Mobilising Community Action Feat. Graham Duxbury

Season 3, Episode 2,   Aug 17, 2022, 06:45 AM

Graham joins us in The Green Room for an inspiring chat about the Groundwork concept, the vast amount of ongoing initiatives and how they support local communities. Graham also discusses his response to the Queen’s speech earlier this year and his thoughts on the Levelling-up and Regeneration bill.

For this month’s episode, we’re joined by Graham Duxbury, CEO of Groundwork. A federation of awesome charities across the UK that focus on improving the environment and tackling poverty. They champion green initiatives by empowering local communities, equipping them with the right tools and mobilising them to drive change in their neighbourhoods. 

Graham joins us in The Green Room for an inspiring chat about the Groundwork concept, the vast amount of ongoing initiatives and how they support local communities. Graham also discusses his response to the Queen’s speech earlier this year and his thoughts on the Levelling-up and Regeneration bill