
Aug 17, 2022, 04:17 PM

Composition by Yoni Den.

" All sounds were made from the sample using the Elektron Digitakt. The original sound was a percusive click and wind of an old camera.  Three distinct samples were taken from the original sound, each very short.The clicks made good drums and percusion instruments, when pitched around a bit. By then microsampling them and looping made wave table synths out of the same.  There are no outside sounds or samples used at any point in the composition. Track composition was done in the Digitakt, then recorded out onto a Zoom H6 at 96kHz." 

This is part of the Obsolete Sounds project, the world’s biggest collection of disappearing sounds and sounds that have become extinct – remixed and reimagined to create a brand new form of listening. Explore the whole project at https://citiesandmemory.com/obsolete-sounds