
Aug 18, 2022, 06:20 PM

Composition by Andy Lyon. 

"I remember when video recorders were the height of technology.  There was always excitement when we got a new one, followed by studying the manual to try and figure out how to use it. Of course they were often particularly noisy, didn't always record the programs and there was the odd tape that got jammed. I located the user manual on the internet and used text to speech to record the introduction and how to to program the recorder.  I've used a combination of the original recording with processed / glitched versions to capture some of the mystery and reality in this recording."

This is part of the Obsolete Sounds project, the world’s biggest collection of disappearing sounds and sounds that have become extinct – remixed and reimagined to create a brand new form of listening. Explore the whole project at https://citiesandmemory.com/obsolete-sounds